Список пословиц и поговорок

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An hour in the morning ...1
An unfortunate man would ...1
Anderer Fehler sind ...1
Anger and haste hinder ...1
Any port in a storm1
Aquila non captat muscas1
Argumentum ponderantur, ...1
As innocent as a babe unborn1
As like as two peas1
As old as the hills1
As plain as two and ...1
As the call, so the echo1
As the old cock crows, ...1
As the tree, so the fruit1
As welcome as water ...1
As you brew, so must you drink1
As you make your bed, ...1
As you sow, so shall you reap1
Ask me no questions, ...1
Auch ein blindes Huhn ...1
Audentes (audaces) fortuna ...1
Audi, vide, sile1
Audire disce, si nescis loqui1
Audire ignoti quom imperant ...1
Aufgeschoben ist nicht ...1
August ohne Feuer macht ...1
Aut disce, aut discede1
Aut non tentaris, aut perfice1
Barking dogs seldom bite1
Be slow to promise and ...1
Be swift to hear, slow ...1
Beauty is but skin deep1
Beauty lies in lover’s eyes1
Before you make a friend ...1
Beggars cannot be choosers1
Behind every great man ...1
Believe not all that ...1
Beredter Mund geht nicht ...1
Best defence is offence1
Better a glorious death ...1